Ms. Lichtman's Classes

Do you still have questions?

For Parents/Guardians: Ms.Lichtman can be reached at [email protected]. Please include a subject and please be patient and allow time for a response.

Parents/Guardians, if you would prefer to speak with Ms.Lichtman over the phone, please indicate as such via e-mail or through a note sent to school with your child.  It is true that some messages and emotions can be lost via e-mail.  Please include a phone number and a good time to reach you. However, please understand that free time through out the day is limited and sporadic, Ms.Lichtman will do her best to honor your request.

For Students:
Student to Teacher E-mail Guidelines
I make available my email address for student questions ([email protected]).  E-mail, when used properly, can be a useful and effective way to communicate with me.  Follow the guidelines to be successful:
  -Address me professionally.  The style you use to e-mail or IM your friends is not the same style you should use with your teachers.
  -Plan in advance, and allow time for a response (at least 24 hours before you would need the answer). 
  -Include a subject in every e-mail so I can identify the nature of your question or comment.
  -When you hit a wall on something, show that you’ve tried.  Don’t ask me to look up information for you that you could find just as easily as in your textbook.